Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
Subsea Pressure Testing for up to 20,000 psi
NV Mechanics Design Ltd offers a wide variety of subsea pressure testing services, including product evaluation, internal and external hydrostatic pressure tests, and performance verification.
These services provide a final check of quality and operational integrity for clients including oil producers, manufacturers of subsea components, pipeline manufacturers and oil and gas companies.
Reduced costs. Save time and money by using a local facility
Reduced risk. Uncover leaks and mechanical issues sooner
Validate designs. Test designs up to full ocean depth (up to 20,000 psi)
Large diameter. Inner diameter of 24'', allowing for pressure testing of large devices or multiple products at the same time.
Video camera for internal observation
Internal lighting
Digital temperature monitor
Data acquisition system with a 100 Hz rate (max)
Design and fabrication of custom test fixtures
Customizable test procedures
Collapse and burst testing services available
Test jigs, fixtures and actuators available for use
Pressure Vessel #1
Testing Pressure: max. 20,000 PSI
Full diameter opening: 24''
Inside length: 220'' (16ft)
Pressure Vessel #2
Testing Pressure: max. 20,000 PSI
Full diameter opening: 16''
Inside length: 48'' (4ft)
Engineering design verification
Product evaluation
API-17D Tests
Performance Verification
Internal and external hydrostatic pressure testing
Stress analysis and acceptance tests
Design Verification
Subsea Actuators
Underwater Cameras
Subsea Housings
Subsea Valves
Umbilical Tests
Dynamic and static testing
Prototype equipment testing
Four penetrators available for instrumentation or mechanical interface
Adaptors can be custom designed