WTC250 Underwater Robotic Cleaning System
WTC250 is a robotic cleaning system to clean sediment that would eventually build up into thicker sludge material. Usage improves the quality of the water and the structure of the tank.
Main advantages include:
Safer - Eliminates the requirement to send a human (diver) into the tank and clean it
Faster - The system cleans the tank while under operation
Cheaper - Eliminates the need for draining the tank of thousands of gallons of water
Underwater Rotary Actuators
The compact design of Mechanics Design’s subsea actuators is suitable for a wide range of tasks. Both internal and external oil filled pressure compensators are available.
underwater Linear Actuators
The compact design of Mechanics Design’s subsea actuators is suitable for a wide range of tasks. Both internal and external oil filled pressure compensators are available.
Winch Systems
We provide a full range of custom-engineered Winch Systems designed to handle up to 10,000 ft of umbilical, adjustable on the fly Active Level Wind Control.
Subsea Housing
NV Mechanics Design Ltd. designs and manufactures electronics housings, including one atmosphere pressure vessels, for subsea applications.
Proximity Switches
We design and manufacture proximity switches for underwater equipment. Our switches are used in subsea applications for ROV Trenchers and Subsea Drills.